2023Photos taken of a Jeep Wrangler in Miami. The photos were taking for a private client looking to display his Jeep in all it’s glory. A location with water was picked to make this a very unique photoshoot, instead of having a boring photo in a mall or pavement. We took the Jeep to where it belongs. Off Roading.
Using a mix of techniques, we lit the jeep to bring out some of the details as we shoot against the sun. The white paint on the vehicle made it easier to highlight with proper placement of the lights. Focusing on maintaining the proper exposure with our environment we were able to bring it all together in post-processing using techniques that came from years of experimentation and trial.
A wild Camaro ZL1, one of my favorite cars. As one of the 1st cars that caught my attention when I came to this country and settled in sunny Miami. The Camaro was my 1st car. Not this particular version but ever since they have a special place in my list of cars. On to the photos.
In the world of Automotive Photography the BMW brand stands apart from their competitors as the portray aggressive and luxury within the same package. Here we worked with a local wheel company to display not only the wheel but also the car.
2021Silverado in Miami. These photos were taken for a private owner for a Magazine coverage. The idea was to possibly take one of the photos and make a cover for the magazine. The editor was almost about to do it but there was another project that to be displayed as the cover.